Goniurosaurus Species in china
Goniurosaurus, a genus of geckos in the family Eublepharidae, contains 18 primarily nocturnal gecko species. Goniurosaurus species have eyelids, which is a unique trait of the Eublepharidae family. However, they do not have the specialized toe pads like common house geckos. As a result, they cannot climb smooth and vertical surfaces.
China has 10 or 11 species of Goniurosaurus. Three can found in Hainan Island: Goniurosaurus hainanensis (G. hainanensis), G. bawanglingensis, and G. zhoui (a new species reported by Runbang Zhou et al. in 2018). Five can be find in Guangxi: G. kwangsiensis, G. kadoorieorum, G. liboensis, G. araneus, and G. luii, the last two can also be found in north Vietnam.
In this project, we photographed Goniurosaurus species of Hainan and Guangxi to raise awareness of these beautiful species. We hope our work could contribute to the their protection and the conservation of their habitats.
Gallery 01: Natural Environment in Hainan

Gallery 02: Goniurosaurus zhoui

Gallery 03: Goniurosaurus zhoui in Habitat

Gallery 04: Goniurosaurus hainanensis

Gallery 05: Goniurosaurus hainanensis in Habitat

Gallery 06: Life Cycle of Goniurosaurus hainanensis

Gallery 07: Goniurosaurus bawanglingensis

Gallery 8: Goniurosaurus bawanglingensis in Habitat

Gallery 09: Natural Environment in Guangxi

Gallery 10: Goniurosaurus kwangsiensis

Gallery 11: Goniurosaurus kwangsiensis in Habitat

Gallery 12: Goniurosaurus liboensis

Gallery 13: Goniurosaurus liboensis in Habitat

Gallery 14: Goniurosaurus luii

Gallery 15: Goniurosaurus luii in Habitat

Gallery 16: Goniurosaurus araneus

Gallery 17: Goniurosaurus araneus in Habitat

Photographer: Jingling Miao
Producer: Yan Liang